Amber Dohrenwend

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Cardboard & Newsprint Unicorn Costume

To make the costume you'll need:

  • white paper egg cartons

  • white newsprint or tissue paper (rainbow colors would be great!)

  • toilet paper tubes

  • metallic cardboard, (or rainbow paint your regular cardboard)

  • stapler

Simple Steps:

  1. cut a rectangular strip of cardboard about 4 inches wide and 10 inches long

  2. fringe newsprint, then fold the ends over the cardboard and staple

  3. cut ears from egg cartons and attach with stapler

  4. create cone shaped horn from metallic cardboard and staple down

  5. cut toilet paper tubes so that they can fit over your wrists and ankles like a cuff

  6. fringe more newsprint and staple to cuffs (place tape over staples to avoid irritation)

  7. shape the ends of the toilet paper tubes to look like hooves.